Military aircraft activity over parts of Iraq, reports of blasts.
Military aircraft activity over parts of Iraq, reports of blasts.
Military aircraft activity over parts of Iraq, reports of blasts.
Axios: Initial reports of explosions in Tehran
Huge explosions rock Tehran
Reports of blasts near Damascus
| Fars News Agency: Multiple explosions heard in Tehran Iran’s Fars News Agency reports sounds of several explosions in the capital, Tehran. | وكالة أنباء فارس الإيرانية: دوي انفجارات عدة في العاصمة طهران ذكرت وكالة أنباء فارس الإيرانية سماع دوي عدة انفجارات في العاصمة طهران. Follow our Telegram channel:
| Iranian News Agency: Multiple Explosions Heard in Tehran Fars News Agency reports sounds of explosions across Tehran, details yet to be confirmed. Follow our Telegram channel:
| Israeli Retaliatory Strike on Iran Commences Reports confirm the initiation of an Israeli strike against Iran following recent escalations. Follow our Telegram channel:
Now Six Heavy Israeli airstrikes targeted Dahiyeh, Beirut
Loud Sonic Boom Heard Twice Over Beirut, Mountain, and Southern Lebanon جدار صوت عنيف على دفعتين فوق بيروت والجبل والجنوب Follow our Telegram channel:
جدار صوت عنيف على دفعتين فوق بيروت والجبل والجنوب