: نتنياهو يهنئ ترامب بانتصاره في الانتخابات ويتناقش في مسائل الأمنفي تطور …

: نتنياهو يهنئ ترامب بانتصاره في الانتخابات ويتناقش في مسائل الأمن في تطور هام بعد انتهاء الانتخابات الرئاسية في الولايات المتحدة، أعلن مكتب رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو أنه أجرى محادثة مع الرئيس المنتخب دونالد ترامب. كان نتنياهو من بين أوائل القادة العالميين الذين اتصلوا بترامب لتقديم تهنئاته لما وصفه بـ”أعظم عودة في التاريخ”. وصفت…

Netanyahu Congratulates Trump on Election Victory, Discusses Security Concern…

Netanyahu Congratulates Trump on Election Victory, Discusses Security Concerns In a significant development following the U.S. Presidential election, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he had a conversation with President-elect Donald Trump. Netanyahu was among the first world leaders to call Trump, extending his congratulations for what he referred to as…

Large Fires Erupt in Avivim, Northern Israel, Following Rocket Barrage from L…

Large Fires Erupt in Avivim, Northern Israel, Following Rocket Barrage from Lebanon Several large fires are burning within the town of Avivim in northern Israel after at least 50 rockets were launched from Lebanon, with several striking the town. Most of the fires are concentrated in breweries and alcohol warehouses, for which Avivim is well-known….

Hezbollah: We Targeted Tzrifin Base Near Ben Gurion Airport South of Tel Aviv…

Hezbollah: We Targeted Tzrifin Base Near Ben Gurion Airport South of Tel Aviv Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for launching a barrage of precision rockets at the Tzrifin military base near Ben Gurion Airport, south of Tel Aviv. حزب الله: قصفنا قاعدة تسرفين قرب مطار بن غوريون جنوب تل أبيب برشقة صواريخ نوعية أعلن حزب الله…

Rocket from Lebanon Hits Near Ben Gurion Airport, Evading Air DefensesA roc…

Rocket from Lebanon Hits Near Ben Gurion Airport, Evading Air Defenses A rocket from Lebanon struck near Ben Gurion Airport, traveling over 100 km to reach its target. The rocket bypassed Israel’s layered air defense systems, including the US THAAD system, which is designed to intercept ballistic missiles at ranges of 150 to 200 km…