Kremlin’s Stance on Putin’s Congratulations to Trump: A Closer LookAmidst …

Kremlin’s Stance on Putin’s Congratulations to Trump: A Closer Look Amidst the unfolding results of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, where Donald Trump appears to have secured a victory over Kamala Harris, global reactions are being closely watched. One significant aspect of this international response is the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin on extending…

Hezbollah: We Targeted Tzrifin Base Near Ben Gurion Airport South of Tel Aviv…

Hezbollah: We Targeted Tzrifin Base Near Ben Gurion Airport South of Tel Aviv Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for launching a barrage of precision rockets at the Tzrifin military base near Ben Gurion Airport, south of Tel Aviv. حزب الله: قصفنا قاعدة تسرفين قرب مطار بن غوريون جنوب تل أبيب برشقة صواريخ نوعية أعلن حزب الله…

Rocket from Lebanon Hits Near Ben Gurion Airport, Evading Air DefensesA roc…

Rocket from Lebanon Hits Near Ben Gurion Airport, Evading Air Defenses A rocket from Lebanon struck near Ben Gurion Airport, traveling over 100 km to reach its target. The rocket bypassed Israel’s layered air defense systems, including the US THAAD system, which is designed to intercept ballistic missiles at ranges of 150 to 200 km…