France’s priority now is to elect a president for the republic and form a gov…
France’s priority now is to elect a president for the republic and form a government in Lebanon
France’s priority now is to elect a president for the republic and form a government in Lebanon
Israel Notifies UN of Withdrawal from Agreement with UNRWA The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has submitted a letter to Philémon Yang, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, announcing Israel’s withdrawal from an agreement with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This agreement permitted…
BREAKING: Bitcoin hits record $86,000
| U.S. Defense Secretary: There is no investigation involving any Pentagon employees regarding the leaked information. ———————- Looking for the best security services in Lebanon? CIS Security is your trusted partner. With over three decades of experience, we specialize in providing advanced security solutions, from executive protection in Beirut to 24/7 security monitoring and cutting-edge…
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: قائد القيادة المركزية الأمريكية يصل إسرائيل للتنسيق الدفاعي أفادت وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية بوصول الجنرال مايكل كوريلا، قائد القيادة المركزية الأمريكية (CENTCOM)، إلى إسرائيل اليوم الأربعاء. تركز زيارته على التنسيق مع المسؤولين العسكريين الإسرائيليين لبحث السيناريوهات المحتملة المتعلقة بإيران. وتأتي الزيارة في إطار التحضيرات للدفاع المشترك تحسباً لأي هجوم إيراني، مما يعزز التعاون…
Israeli Ch12| Serious espionage case in Beit Safafa: Indictment reveals suspects filmed the residence of a senior nuclear scientist for the purpose of assassination. ———————- Looking for the best security services in Lebanon? CIS Security is your trusted partner. With over three decades of experience, we specialize in providing advanced security solutions, from executive protection…
Elysee: Macron expressed to Netanyahu his desire for UNIFIL to play its full role in southern Lebanon ———————- Looking for the best security services in Lebanon? CIS Security is your trusted partner. With over three decades of experience, we specialize in providing advanced security solutions, from executive protection in Beirut to 24/7 security monitoring and…