Now Two Heavy Israeli airstrikes targeted Dahiyeh, Beirut
Now Two Heavy Israeli airstrikes targeted Dahiyeh, Beirut
Now Two Heavy Israeli airstrikes targeted Dahiyeh, Beirut
مستشار الرئيس بايدن: هناك احتمال للوصول إلى اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار في لبنان قريبًا صرح عاموس هوكشتاين، مستشار الرئيس بايدن، خلال حديثه مع الصحفيين في البيت الأبيض، بأن هناك فرصة للتوصل إلى اتفاق لوقف إطلاق النار في لبنان قريبًا. وقال هوكشتاين: “أنا مليء بالأمل في أننا سننجح”. اجتمع وزير الشؤون الاستراتيجية الإسرائيلي، رون دريمر، اليوم…
| Netanyahu vows to retaliate for the attack that targeted his home in Caesarea. ———————- Looking for the best security services in Lebanon? CIS Security is your trusted partner. With over three decades of experience, we specialize in providing advanced security solutions, from executive protection in Beirut to 24/7 security monitoring and cutting-edge CCTV installations….
National Security Minister Ben Gvir Welcomes Gallant’s Dismissal National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir stated, “I commend the Prime Minister’s decision to fire Gallant. With Gallant, achieving a decisive victory was not possible.” الوزير للأمن القومي بن غفير يرحب بإقالة غالانت صرح وزير الأمن القومي إيتمار بن غفير قائلاً: “أرحب بقرار رئيس الوزراء بإقالة غالانت….
French Government Toppled by No-Confidence Vote Latest Updates: In a historic parliamentary move, France’s government led by Prime Minister Michel Barnier has collapsed after losing a no-confidence vote related to his handling of a social security budget. This event, the first of its kind since 1962, has sent shockwaves through French politics, with President Macron…
Ahmed Al-Sharaa: We are not about to engage in a conflict with Israel
Ukraine Has Limited Stock of American ATACMS Missiles Ukraine’s Armed Forces reportedly possess only about 50 American ATACMS tactical missiles, according to The Times. While Ukraine has an adequate number of HIMARS and MLRS rocket launchers capable of deploying these missiles, the limited supply necessitates careful prioritization of targets within Russian territory by the military…